Results for 'Helena de Guise'

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  1.  10
    The Cambridge Journal of Law, Politics, and Art: The Human Agenda (Special Edition).Jack Graveney, Alexander Kardos-Nyheim, Nadia Jahnecke, Aleksandra Violana, Alex Guard, Alex de Wild, Benjamin Keener, Daniel Morgan, Donari Yahzid, Hanine Kadi, Hannah Herbert-Owen, Helena de Guise, Jem Sandhu, Mishael Knight, Oona Lagercrantz, Ruairi Smith & Varda Saxena (eds.) - 2024 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: The Cambridge Journal of Law, Politics, and Art.
    The Human Agenda is the first Special Edition of The Cambridge Journal of Law, Politics, and Art (CJLPA), an interdisciplinary journal founded at the University of Cambridge. Focused on the unique intersections of law, politics and art in the context of human rights, contributors to the Special Edition include David Baragwanath, Luis Moreno Ocampo, Nadia Murad, Nancy Hollander, Andrew Clapham, Vladimir Osechkin, Mansour al-Omari, and many others. A full table of contents is available through the publication's own page.
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  2. Pugna de poderes, crisis orgánica e independencia judicial.Ricardo Restrepo, Maria Helena Carbonell, Paúl Cisneros, Miguel Ruiz, John Antón, Antonio Salamanca & Natally Soria (eds.) - 2014 - IAEN.
    This work, in English "Struggle for power, organic crisis and judicial independence", has its origin in research academics of the IAEN carried out to provide expert advise to the Inter American Court of Human Rights in the case Quintana and others (Supreme Court of Justice) vs the State of Ecuador. The research is about the nature of the evolution of the ecuadorian state, the dynamics of its institutions, its players, parties, laws, its factors of instability, the way rights have been (...)
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  3. Leyendas árabes sobre el origen de los beréberes.Helena de Jesús de Felipe Rodríguez - 1990 - Al-Qantara 11 (2):379-396.
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    Unidade e Multiplicidade na dialética platônica.Bárbara Helena de Oliveira Santos - 2021 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 31.
    Ao colocar a diairesis em comunhão com a dialética, Platão rompe com a estrutura dicotômica-unívoca parmenídica; no Fragmento 2 do Poema Da Natureza, a deusa estabelece que há apenas dois caminhos para a verdade, um que é e outro que não é. Desses dois caminhos, Parmênides nega o segundo, afirmando que é impossível conhecer o que não é: para o filósofo préssocrático conhecer algo está relacionado ao é, logo, para ele, é impossível conhecer o que não é. De maneira que (...)
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    Democracia e educação em direitos humanos no Brasil.Helena de Assis Mota - 2020 - Filosofia E Educação 12 (2).
    O presente artigo aborda a Educação em Direitos Humanos – EDH e seu desenvolvimento na esfera educacional brasileira. Proposta formalmente no Brasil pelo PNEDH - Plano Nacional de Educação em Direitos Humanos, a EDH é incompatível com a plataforma política da extrema-direita em ascensão nacional e internacionalmente. No ambiente escolar também pode ser considerada problemática por modelos de gestão não-participativos e produtivistas, já que promove o questionamento explícito de pilares como hierarquia, democracia e liberdade dentre os educandos, além de não (...)
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    Mito e religião na tríplice fronteira Roraima, Guiana e Venezuela: o Areruya e o entre-lugar.Adriana Helena de Oliveira Albano & João Paulino da Silva Neto - 2024 - Bakhtiniana 19 (1):e61875p.
    ABSTRACT This article, about the Areruya religion of the Ingarikó people in the village of Manalai, located in the state of Roraima, Brazil, compares the discourse of two myths about the origin of the current Areruya. One of the myths was transcribed by Audrey Butt Colson (1960) in the 1950s, and the other by the anthropologist Maria Virgínia do Amaral (2019) between 2014 and 2017. The objective of comparing the two discourses was to present the articulations of each one for (...)
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    Concepções de inf'ncia E a educação Das crianças da classe trabalhadora: Uma crítica benjaminiana ao projeto escola sem partido.Luciana Helena Monsores & Ligia Maria Motta Lima Leão de Aquino - 2018 - Childhood and Philosophy 14 (31):609-624.
    En el presente artículo buscamos sistematizar algunas contribuciones del filósofo Walter Benjamin con la intención de pensar las infancias y la educación de la clase trabajadora en el contexto en que se formulan proyectos de ley, como Escuela Sin Partido, en Brasil. Son proyectos elaborados en los últimos años, que guardan un fuerte cuño conservador y de control ideológico. Buscamos en Benjamin la noción de experiencia y cómo ésta entra en relación con la infancia y el área de la educación, (...)
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    Arquivos e reconstrução de trajetórias de vida: a dimensão transnacional e transcultural dos exílios.Heloisa Helena de Jesus Paulo - 2017 - Dialogos 21 (2):15-21.
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    Averróis e a República de Platão.Rosalie Helena de Souza Pereira - 2007 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 52 (3):104-116.
    About the Republic is the only commentary left by Averroes, the Commentator, so called on behalf of his commentaries on Aristotle’s work. Although the original in Arabic is lost, there is a medieval version in Hebrew and two later translations in Latin from the Hebrew version. Averroes’ Commentary on the ‘Republic’ – divided in three Books – can be considered an original work as only 1/3 of it corresponds to the platonic treatise. Averroes presents in it aristotelic concepts drawn from (...)
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    A herança Greco-árabe na filosofia de maimônides: Profecia E imaginação.Rosalie Helena de Souza Pereira - 2015 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 56 (131):107-128.
    Para elaborar sua profetologia, Maimônides retoma conceitos relativos às teorias do intelecto de Al-Fārābī e de Avicena, que, por sua vez, se baseiam nas noções sobre a alma de Aristóteles. Dessa perspectiva, a Revelação divina deve ser considerada um fato natural inserido na totalidade da natureza criada por Deus. Compreender a Revelação significa, portanto, compreendê-la a partir do homem, uma vez que o profeta, apesar de se tratar de alguém que se destaca do conjunto da humanidade, é sempre um ser (...)
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    Platão, Al-fârâbî e Averróis: as qualidades essenciais ao governante.Rosalie Helena de Souza Pereira - 2011 - Trans/Form/Ação 34 (1):01-20.
    A filosofia política que se desenvolveu no mundo islâmico, entre os séculos IX e XII, apropriou-se de conceitos da filosofia grega, principalmente de Platão e de Aristóteles. A República e as Leis, de Platão, e a Ética Nicomaqueia, de Aristóteles, foram os textos que fundamentaram as concepções políticas dos filósofos de expres são árabe , desde as virtudes a serem buscadas individualmente até a ideia do melhor regime político. Com base nos textos gregos traduzidos para o árabe, esses filósofos delinearam (...)
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    Aspectos da ética no Islã.Rosalie Helena de Souza Pereira - 2010 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 17:102-130.
    The plurality of discussions and the diversity with which the main ethical questions were approached permit the separation of relative theories elaborated in Islam into three distinct dimentions: religious morality, theological ethics and philosophical ethics. Religious morality was elaborated based exclusively on the precepts of the Koran, and on the teachings of the Tradition (Hadīth). This morality establishes the fundamentals to determine: a) the nature of what is correct, and of what is iniquous; b) that which is within the law (...)
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  13. Measuring nurses’ moral courage: an explorative study.Kasper Jean-Pierre Konings, Chris Gastmans, Olivia Hanneli Numminen, Roelant Claerhout, Glenn Aerts, Helena Leino-Kilpi & Bernadette Dierckx de Casterlé - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (1):114-130.
    Background: The 21-item Nurses’ Moral Courage Scale was developed and validated in 2018 in Finland with the purpose of measuring moral courage among nurses. Objectives: The objective of this study was to make a Dutch translation of the Nurses’ Moral Courage Scale to describe the level of nurses’ self-assessed moral courage and associated socio-demographic factors in Flanders, Belgium. Research design: A forward–backward translation method was applied to translate the English Nurses’ Moral Courage Scale to Dutch, and a pilot study was (...)
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  14. Identidades Nerd/Geek na web: um estudo sobre pedagogias culturais e culturas juvenis // Nerd/Geek Identities on the web: a study on cultural pedagogies and youth culture.Angela Dillmann Nunes Bicca, Ana Paula de Araújo Cunha, Márcia Helena Sauaia Guimarães Rostas & Max de Lima Jahnke - 2013 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 18 (1):87-104.
    Neste texto analisamos blogs da Internet como espaços educativos nos quais se produzem/constroem as identidades juvenis de indivíduos que buscam se inserir no grupo cultural conhecido como nerd/geek. Inseridos nos Estudos Culturais, na sua vertente pós-moderna e pós-estruturalista, valemo-nos da noção de Representação Cultural para analisar como as identidades são constituídas com a escrita/leitura de blogs disponibilizados na web. Destacamos que a forma como se dá o agrupamento dos jovens que escrevem/leem os blogs é efêmera e espontânea, baseada no prazer (...)
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    Validation of the Dutch-language version of Nurses’ Moral Courage Scale.Olivia Numminen, Kasper Konings, Roelant Claerhout, Chris Gastmans, Jouko Katajisto, Helena Leino-Kilpi & Bernadette Dierckx de Casterlé - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (5):809-822.
    Background: Moral courage as a part of nurses’ moral competence has gained increasing interest as a means to strengthen nurses acting on their moral decisions and offering alleviation to their moral distress. To measure and assess nurses’ moral courage, the development of culturally and internationally validated instruments is needed. Objective: The objective of this study was to validate the Dutch-language version of the four-component Nurses’ Moral Courage Scale originally developed and validated in Finnish data. Research design: This methodological study used (...)
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  16. Narrative and Meaning in Life.Helena de Bres - 2018 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 15 (5):545-571.
    Many theorists have argued that the meaningfulness of a life is related in some way to the narrative or story that can be told about that life. Relationists claim that a life gains in meaning when a particular set of “narrative relations” obtain between the events that constitute it. Recountists claim that it is the telling of a story about those relations, not the relations themselves, that confers meaning. After identifying problems with existing versions of both of these positions, this (...)
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  17. Le soi se déguise-t-il à soi-même? Ce que J.-J. Rousseau apprend dans la polémique théologique des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles.Yûji Sakakura - 2014 - In Jean-François Perrin & Yves Citton, Jean-Jacques Rousseau et l'exigence d'authenticité: une question pour notre temps. Paris: Classiques Garnier.
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  18. The Many, Not the Few: Pluralism About Global Distributive Justice.Helena de Bres - 2012 - Journal of Political Philosophy 20 (3):314-340.
  19.  20
    Le familistère de guise un projet utopique réussi.Barbara Freitag - 2005 - Diogène 209 (1):101-108.
    Résumé Projet réalisé au nord de Paris par Jean-Baptiste André Godin, (1817-1888), s’inspirant de l’idée utopique de Charles Fourier (1772-1837), le Familistère de Guise a mis en œuvre un modèle : (a) politico-démocratique d’autogestion par les ouvriers d’une usine de fourneaux ; (b) socio-économique qui alliait pour la première fois compétitivité internationale et bénéfices sociaux; (c) qui anticipait le raisonnement écologique dans le développement des processus d’industrialisation; (d) de tolérance religieuse (e) ayant survécu au socialisme réel inspiré de Marx. (...)
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    The Extinction and De-Extinction of Species.Helena Siipi & Leonard Finkelman - 2017 - Philosophy and Technology 30 (4):427-441.
    In this paper, we discuss the following four alternative ways of understanding the outcomes of resurrection biology. Implications of each of the ways are discussed with respect to concepts of species and extinction. Replication: animals created by resurrection biology do not belong to the original species but are copies of it. The view is compatible with finality of extinction as well as with certain biological and ecological species concepts. Re-creation: animals created are members of the original species but, despite their (...)
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  21. From ego to Alter ego: Husserl, Merleau-ponty and a layered approach to intersubjectivity.Helena De Preester - 2007 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 7 (1):133-142.
    This article presents two different phenomenological paths leading from ego to alter ego: a Husserlian and a Merleau-Pontian way of thinking. These two phenomenological paths serve to disentangle the conceptual–philosophical underpinning of the mirror neurons system hypothesis, in which both ways of thinking are entwined. A Merleau-Pontian re-reading of the mirror neurons system theory is proposed, in which the characteristics of mirror neurons are effectively used in the explanation of action understanding and imitation. This proposal uncovers the remaining necessary presupposition (...)
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  22. Disaggregating Global Justice.Helena de Bres - 2013 - Social Theory and Practice 39 (3):422-448.
    If global distributive justice or injustice is to exist, there must be something that is just or unjust: something to which the moral assessments at issue attach. I argue in this paper against one popular candidate for that role: the “global basic structure.” I argue that principles of distributive justice that target the global basic structure fail to satisfy a crucial “action guidance” desideratum and that this problem points to an alternative target that philosophers of global justice have yet to (...)
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  23.  15
    Artful Truths: The Philosophy of Memoir.Helena de Bres - 2021 - University of Chicago Press.
    Offers a philosophical perspective on the nature and value of writing a memoir. Artful Truths offers a concise guide to the fundamental philosophical questions that arise when writing a literary work about your own life. Bringing a philosopher’s perspective to a general audience, Helena de Bres addresses what a memoir is, how the genre relates to fiction, memoirists’ responsibilities to their readers and subjects, and the question of why to write a memoir at all. Along the way, she delves (...)
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    How to be multiple: the philosophy of twins.Helena de Bres - 2023 - New York: Bloomsbury Publishing. Edited by Julia De Bres.
    Philosophy professor, humorist, and identical twin Helena de Bres takes the curious, wondrous, ludicrous experience of being a twin as a lens through which to reconsider our place in the world and how we relate to others. Which one are you? Are you the same? Can you read each other's minds? Identical twins get the weirdest existential questions from strangers, also from loved ones, in fact, even from themselves. For twins fascinate all of us... including twins. For Helena (...)
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  25. The deep bodily origins of the subjective perspective: Models and their problems.Helena De Preester - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (3):604-618.
    The naturalization of consciousness and the way a subjective perspective arises are hotly debated both in the cognitive sciences and in more strictly philosophical contexts. A number of these debates, mainly inspired by neuroscientific findings, focus on the ‘visceral’ dimension of the body in order to formulate a hypothesis for the coming about of consciousness. This focus on what might be called the ‘in-depth body’ shows that consciousness or the subjective perspective is intimately linked with vital and visceral regulatory processes.I (...)
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    Augustus De Morgan's Algebraic Work: The Three Stages.Helena Pycior - 1983 - Isis 74 (2):211-226.
  27.  48
    Life Is What You Fill your Attention with – The War for Attention and the Role of Digital Technology in the Work of Bernard Stiegler.Helena de Preester - 2021 - Phenomenology and Mind 20:102-116.
    This contribution focuses on the topic of attention and sets forth the main points of Bernard Stiegler’s analysis of the interplay between capitalist consumer society, the destruction of attention and the consequences for individual and collective life. We look at how current digital technologies in service of the needs of the market are a major factor in the destruction of attention and discuss two counterforces that do not destroy but form attention: education and meditation. If life is what you fill (...)
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    Desarrollo Del Pensamiento Histórico a Través Del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial.Santiago Ponsoda López de Atalaya, Ana Isabel Ponce Gea & Helena Pinto - 2023 - Clío: History and History Teaching 49:38-56.
    Tradicionalmente, el patrimonio se ha relacionado con la educación histórica desde una perspectiva restrictiva que dejaba fuera a buena parte de las manifestaciones patrimoniales, entre ellas, las que se incluyen en el ámbito del patrimonio inmaterial. En este sentido, el presente trabajo se centra en la relación entre patrimonio inmaterial y pensamiento histórico dentro de la formación del profesorado de Educación Primaria. Desde el paradigma interpretativo se han analizado 27 propuestas didácticas de un total de 54 estudiantes del Grado de (...)
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    Justice and International Trade.Helena de Bres - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (10):570-579.
    This article identifies the main issues of justice that arise in international trade and critically evaluates contemporary philosophical debates over how to understand them. I focus on three central questions of distributive justice, as applied to trade. What is it about trade that makes it a subject of justice? Which aspects of the international trading system should our principles of justice regulate? What do duties of justice or fairness in trade demand? I show how debates over these questions turn not (...)
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    Einwilligungsfähigkeit: inhärente Fähigkeit oder ethisches Urteil?Helena Hermann, Manuel Trachsel & Nikola Biller-Andorno - 2016 - Ethik in der Medizin 28 (2):107-120.
    ZusammenfassungDie Bestimmung der Einwilligungsfähigkeit von Patienten beinhaltet weitreichende ethische und rechtliche Implikationen. Ausreichende Klärung des Begriffs ist daher unerlässlich. Solche Bemühungen gelten vorwiegend der Definition von Kriterien hinsichtlich relevanter mentaler Fähigkeiten. Grundlegendere Aspekte werden kaum explizit besprochen, so die Frage, ob Einwilligungsfähigkeit eher eine inhärente Fähigkeit oder ein ethisches Urteil bezeichnet. Zentral bei dieser Unterscheidung ist der Stellenwert ethischer Überlegungen die Zulässigkeit fürsorglicher Bevormundung betreffend. Geht man von einer inhärenten Fähigkeit aus, schließen solche Überlegungen an die Beurteilung von Einwilligungsfähigkeit an. (...)
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    Subjectivity and Transcendental Illusions in the Anthropocene.Helena De Preester - 2021 - Foundations of Science 27 (1):125-140.
    This contribution focuses on one member in particular of the anthropocenic triad Earth – technology – humankind, namely the current form of human subjectivity that characterizes humankind in the Anthropocene. Because knowledge, desire and behavior are always embedded in a particular form of subjectivity, it makes sense to look at the current subjective structure that embeds knowledge, desire and behavior. We want to move beyond the common psychological explanations that subjects are unable to correctly assess the consequences of their current (...)
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    Autorreflexión y educación de las emociones para la democracia. Entrevista a Martha Nussbaum.Helena Modzelewski - 2014 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 26 (2):315-333.
    The education of the emotions is a valuable tool not always taken into account in the development of the democratic, egalitarian background essential to empower citizens. Perhaps the difficulty lies in the fact that, firstly, it is necessary to probe the possibilities of educability of emotions. Martha Nussbaum is one of the contemporary philosophers who have devoted much of their work to the study of emotions, and from her theory, conclusions can be drawn about the question of their educability. Her (...)
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  33. The sensory component of imagination: The motor theory of imagination as a present-day solution to Sartre's critique.Helena De Preester - 2012 - Philosophical Psychology 25 (4):1-18.
    Several recent accounts claim that imagination is a matter of simulating perceptual acts. Although this point of view receives support from both phenomenological and empirical research, I claim that Jean-Paul Sartre's worry formulated in L'imagination (1936) still holds. For a number of reasons, Sartre heavily criticizes theories in which the sensory material of imaginative acts consists in reviving sensory impressions. Based on empirical and philosophical insights, this article explains how simulation theories of imagination can overcome Sartre's critique by paying attention (...)
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    To perform the layered body—a short exploration of the body in performance.Helena De Preester - 2007 - Janus Head: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature, Continental Philosophy, Phenomenological Psychology, and the Arts 9 (2):349-383.
    The aim of this article is to focus on the body as instrument or means in performance-art. Since the body is no monolithic given, the body is approached in terms of its constitutive layers, and this may enable us to conceive of the mechanisms that make performances possible and operational, i.e. those bodily mechanisms that are implicitly or explicitly controlled or manipulated in performance. Of course, the exploitation of these bodily layers is not solely responsible for the generation of meaning (...)
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    Una taxonomía de las emociones como guía metodológica para la educación democrática.Helena Modzelewski - 2021 - Signos Filosóficos 23 (45):8-27.
    Resumen La educación de las emociones ha sido promovida recientemente desde el giro afectivo en las ciencias sociales. Sin embargo, gran parte de los análisis educativos no tratan las emociones llamadas políticas o públicas, definidas por Martha Nussbaum como aquellas relacionadas con el Estado, sus instituciones y los conciudadanos. Este artículo presenta una guía para una educación ciudadana basada en emociones políticas, fundamentando que su educabilidad está habilitada por el desarrollo de la autorreflexión y que, a partir de ello, es (...)
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    Philosophy of biology: Outline of a transcendental project.Gertrudis Van de Vijver, Linda Van Speybroeck, Dani De Waele, Filip Kolen & Helena De Preester - 2005 - Acta Biotheoretica 53 (2):57-75.
    This paper analyses the actual meaning of a transcendental philosophy of biology, and does so by exploring and actualising the epistemological and metaphysical value of Kant's viewpoint on living systems. It finds inspiration in the Kantian idea of living systems intrinsically resisting objectification, but critically departs from Kant's philosophical solution in as far as it is based in a subjectivist dogmatism. It attempts to overcome this dogmatism, on the one hand by explicitly taking into account the conditions of possibility at (...)
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    Risse on Justice in Trade.Helena de Bres - 2014 - Ethics and International Affairs 28 (4):489-499.
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    Equipment and existential spatiality: Heidegger, cognitive science and the prosthetic subject.Helena De Preester - 2012 - In Julian Kiverstein & Michael Wheeler, Heidegger and Cognitive Science. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Technology and the Myth of 'Natural Man'.Helena De Preester - 2012 - Foundations of Science 17 (4):385-390.
    The main suggestions and objections raised by Don Ihde and Charles Lenay to my ‘Technology and the body: the (im)possibilities of re-embodiment’ are summarized and discussed. On the one hand, I agree that we should pay more attention to whole body experience and to further resisting Cartesian assumptions in the field of cognitive neuroscience and philosophy of cognition. On the other hand, I explain that my account in no way presupposes the myth of ‘natural man’ or of a natural, delineated (...)
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  40. What's Special About the State?Helena de Bres - 2011 - Utilitas 23 (2):140-160.
    any of us think that we have duties of distributive justice towards our fellow citizens that we do not have towards foreigners. Is that thought justified? This paper considers the nature of the state's relationship to distributive justice from the perspective of utilitarianism, a theory that is barely represented in contemporary philosophical debates on this question. My strategy is to mount a utilitarian case for state-specific duties of distributive justice that is similar in its basic structure to the one that (...)
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    Entre a excesão e a Democracia. Um campo possível a Construcão de uma esfera pública marcada por diálogos impertinentes.Maria Helena Tenório de Almeida - 2012 - Astrolabio 13:424-432.
    O presente texto baseia-se na perspectiva de Hannah Arendt para quem o acontecimento é o lugar onde o pensamento nasce. Com base nesse princípio, investiga ações e práticas em cujo entrecruzamento vão surgindo novos atores ou sujeitos que, a partir do campo mesmo do opositor, disputam o espaço da cidade numa espécie de «profanação dos lugares luminosos da cidade» (Santos, 1996), no sentido de retirá-los da esfera do sagrado (Agabén, 2006) e restituí-los ao uso comum «dos homens ordinários».
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    Antes do nascimento da Biopolítica: para pensar o surgimento de uma noção em Michel Foucault.Helena Almeia E. Silva Sampaio & Luiz Guilherme Augsburger - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (2):21-32.
    Given the relevance and frequent presence in academic research of the notion of “biopolitics” – developed by the philosopher Michel Foucault –, this article seeks to contribute to the understanding of this notion and its conceptual emergence. To this end, the article analyses the four books published by M. Foucault prior to the initial use of the term “biopolitics” in the second half of the 1970s, aiming so to identify within them the presence of constituent elements of the notion. Elements (...)
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  43. Body-extension versus body-incorporation: Is there a need for a body-model? [REVIEW]Helena De Preester & Manos Tsakiris - 2009 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 8 (3):307-319.
    This paper investigates the role of a pre-existing body-model that is an enabling constraint for the incorporation of objects into the body. This body-model is also a basis for the distinction between body extensions (e.g., in the case of tool-use) and incorporation (e.g., in the case of successful prosthesis use). It is argued that, in the case of incorporation, changes in the sense of body-ownership involve a reorganization of the body-model, whereas extension of the body with tools does not involve (...)
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  44. Technology and the Body: the (Im)Possibilities of Re-embodiment. [REVIEW]Helena De Preester - 2011 - Foundations of Science 16 (2-3):119-137.
    This article argues for a more rigorous distinction between body extensions on the one hand and incorporation of non-bodily objects into the body on the other hand. Real re-embodiment would be a matter of taking things (most often technologies) into the body, i.e. of incorporation of non-bodily items into the body. This, however, is a difficult process often limited by a number of conditions of possibility that are absent in the case of ‘mere’ body extensions. Three categories are discussed: limb (...)
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    Gender differences in professional drivers’ fatigue level measured with BAlert mobile app: A psychophysiological, time efficient, accessible, and innovative approach to fatigue management.Ricardo De La Vega, Hector Anabalon, Kyran Tannion, Helena Purto & Cristian Jara D. - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Addressing fatigue is useful in a variety of scenarios and activities. Fatigue has recently been studied from a psychophysiological standpoint. As a result, the expression and impact of peripheral and central fatigue has been evaluated. Driving is one occupation where tiredness has disastrous consequences. BAlert is a smartphone app that approaches exhaustion with psychophysiological measures. More specifically, it evaluates the level of fatigue via heart rate variability data and the cognitive compromise via Stroop effect. The goal of this study is (...)
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    Descartes on the Passions of the Soul and Internal Emotions: Two Challenges for Interoception Research in Emotions.Helena De Preester & John Dorsch - 2021 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 54 (1):65-92.
    On the basis of Descartes’s account of the passions of the soul, we argue that current interoception-based theories of emotions cannot account for the hallmark of a passion of the soul, i.e., that its effects are felt as being in the soul itself. We also pay attention to the epistemic functions of the passions and to Descartes’s category of emotions that are caused and occur in the soul alone. Certain passions of the soul and certain internal emotions are similar to (...)
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    As noções de espaço público e reconhecimento social: Duas Chaves em Uma Para Pensar a relação Trabalho-Moradia e a Relação Privado-Público no Centro do Rio de Janeiro.Maria Helena Tenório de Almeida - 2011 - Astrolabio 11:463-472.
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    (1 other version)Femmes et syndicalisme à Sao Paulo : les ouvrières de la métallurgie à la fin des années 1970.Helena Maria de Lima - 1996 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 1:11-11.
    C'est grâce à la tenue d'un congrès ­ non mixte ­ de femmes de la métallurgie, en 1978, que la condition des ouvrières réapparut comme préoccupation du syndicalisme brésilien contemporain. Ces congrès, ainsi que les campagnes de syndicalisation promues par les différents syndicats grâce à la création des premières sections féminines, permit l'inclusion des revendications des travailleuses parmi les thèmes de revendications salariales des syndicats. Le premier congrès des ouvrières de ..
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  49. Formação inicial de professores para a educação básica no brasil.Helena Machado de Paula Albuquerque, Celia Maria Haas & Regina Magna Bonifácio Araujo - 2011 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 13 (2):p - 251.
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    Travail productif, travail de care.Helena Hirata - 2021 - Actuel Marx 70 (2):62-76.
    Cet article veut montrer que l’idée du travail domestique en tant que reproduction de la force de travail dans la tradition marxiste a été élargie par les théories du care développées dans les années 2000, selon lesquelles le travail domestique et du care non seulement reproduisent la force de travail mais produisent et maintiennent la vie. Dans une première partie, il fait un état de lieux concernant les controverses autour du travail domestique, de la reproduction/production et de la reproduction sociale. (...)
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